Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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Sunday Jan 19, 2020

Freedom from Judgment through Judgment
This week we're continuing in our study of Paul's letter to the Colossians.  As has been his motif throughout this letter, Paul continues to elevate the church's view of Christ over and above any of their earthly concerns.  Only by seeing Jesus in the appropriate light will we be able to make sense of our daily walk, which is why it's vital that we look to Him first. Join us as we continue to learn to evaluate our lives in light of God's goodness as opposed to evaluating Christ in light of our feelings or circumstances.

Sunday Jan 12, 2020

This Sunday, we continued to look at Genesis. This time we are going to consider the wisdom of God in His provision and care over our lives. God is on a mission and His plan is to glorify Himself through His people to the ends of the earth!We have every assurance in the Bible that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in Christ. Embracing the mission of God happens joyfully when we trust the wisdom of God. Come. Read ahead in Genesis 2. Let's join together and rejoice in God and praise His name together.
Find out more about Waterbrooke Church at www.waterbrooke.church

Monday Jan 06, 2020

As we begin a New Year, it helps all of us to be simple and clear. So, here is the point of 2020: To follow Christ wherever He calls us to go and to do by faith whatever He has asked of us. The life of faith is an adventure. It will stretch us. It will challenge us. It will humble us. 2020 is a new territory for every person. God simply asks us one question: Will you trust Me wherever I lead you and whatever I ask of you? Just as the Bible begins with God calling Abraham to leave everything to follow Him to the land of the promise, we too, are called to follow Christ (Abraham’s seed) in order that the nations would be blessed.One simple question is asked of each of us today and each day of 2020: Will you trust Me? Come as we begin a new series this Sunday called "Tremble and Trust: Feeling the Weight of the Word of God and The Worth of the God of the Word". Pray for a fresh vision of God and the adventure of faith.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019

This Sunday, just before Christmas, our message is called Light Breaks Through. Darkness has a way of seeping into our lives. We live in the shadowlands and slowly we begin to lose heart. We lose perspective. We lose hope. Then, Light!The Light of the World enters and the cold, fading embers of our faith feel the breath of the Spirit igniting them. The Light breaks over the horizon of our hearts and streams down to where only fears and doubts have had dominion.Come and worship the Lord Jesus this Sunday and let the light of the gospel fill your heart with new, fresh hope and grace.

Sunday Dec 08, 2019

This Sunday, we continued our Christmas series, Ready for Christ at Christmas: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Revealing Christ. Last week, we learned that the Holy Spirit prepares us to receive Christ by leading us into repentance. This week, we will see that the Holy Spirit prepares us to follow Christ by leading us into obedience.Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “Being a Christian is less about cautiously avoiding sin, than courageously and actively doing God’s will.” Sometimes, the thing that intimidates us most about being a Christian is not what God doesn’t want us to do anymore, but what God is calling us to be and to do in the future. Obedience can seem impossible and overwhelming but in the calling of Mary to bear the Son of God, we learn, “nothing is impossible with God.”www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Dec 01, 2019

This Sunday’s message is entitled: Receptive: How the Holy Spirit Prepares Hearts and Homes to Receive Christ. Over the next several weeks leading up to Christmas, we are going to study the role of the Holy Spirit in the Coming of Jesus Christ. In Luke 1:13-17, Luke describes the coming of the angel Gabriel to Zechariah announcing the birth of John the Baptist. John would be filled with the Spirit and by that Spirit, He would “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.”As you prepare for Christmas, will you pray that the Spirit would prepare your hearts to receive Christ personally and to transform your homes and families?
Next Steps - https://www.waterbrooke.church/card/next-steps/

Sunday Nov 10, 2019

This Sunday’s message will be called “Shoring Up Your Shepherds”. Running the race set before us is challenging. Persevering in the faith is difficult. Keeping our mission clear and keeping our resolve strong takes continual encouragement, correction, direction, and help. The Lord has designed the body to be interdependent and He has gifted and called some to shepherd the flock of God.As the letter comes to an end, the writer urges Christians to do all they can to help their leaders to lead faithfully. Like in the Old Testament story of Aaron and Hur lifting up the arms of Moses in the midst of the battle (Exodus 17:12-14), how can we help our leaders to fulfill their calling on our behalf? Let’s continue to pray for God to make Waterbrooke a united force for the kingdom of Christ.

Wednesday Nov 06, 2019

This Sunday was the International Day of Prayer of the Persecuted Church. It is an annual call to align our hearts and minds in prayer for those who have aligned their lives with the call and cause of Christ. In our study of Hebrews 13:11-16, the Word of God calls us to a clear, public, and unashamed commitment to Jesus Christ no matter what the cost.Let’s pray for suffering Christians and let’s pray for ourselves that we will stand boldly for Christ who suffered willingly for us so that others might come to know and to love and to trust in our Savior.
Please note the first 5 minutes of the sermon wasn't recorded. 

Wednesday Nov 06, 2019

This Sunday is Reformation Sunday, the one day in the year when Protestant Christians specifically remember those who paid the price to preserve the integrity and the priority of the message of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In our study of Hebrews this week, we are specifically exhorted to remember those who taught God’s Word to us.This is not merely remembering an old Sunday School teacher or a parent or a pastor. This is a call to remember those who were willing to pay the highest price to preserve and to deliver the gospel faithfully to us. Come this Sunday, as we study “The High and Holy Call of the Gospel.”

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019

This Sunday, our message is called Financial Freedom: How to Be Free From the Love of Money. The challenge that faces most of us is not the seduction of the prosperity gospel, that somehow, we believe that God promises exorbitant riches to those who trust Him by faith. The challenge that faces us is that we lose the priority of the kingdom of Christ by the slow subtle (or not so subtle) seduction of the world.We find ourselves choosing comfort over the cross and the promises of earthly ease over a life of trusting and following Christ. Come as we study how the gospel frees us from financial fears to follow Christ, joyfully and sacrificially.
Check out Waterbrooke at www.waterbrooke.church

Thursday Oct 17, 2019

One of the chief harms to many people’s lives and one of the chief hindrances to the advancement of the gospel in our families, communities, and in the world is marital infidelity. Both pastors and people have so frequently experienced the pain, brokenness, failure, and shame of this that there is hardly a church or ministry that isn’t continually in the process of recovering people from the damage.This Sunday, we will be looking at the call to advance the kingdom of Christ by honoring and protecting the institution of marriage. In the world, marriage is treated as an easily disposable man-made institution. In the kingdom of heaven, marriage is a holy institution designed to emulate and elevate Christ and His love for the church in the gospel. Come and join Waterbrooke as we grow a high and holy view of marriage for the sake of Christ and those that need Christ.

Thursday Oct 17, 2019

Gospel unity is more than just being a part of the family, it means that we take each other seriously and that we are fervently protective of each other's faith, which is rooted in the truth of the Gospel.  In a world that cheapens grace by foisting doubt and duty upon members of Christ's family, the necessity for bearing responsibility for each other's faith becomes paramount.  As Paul shows us in his letter to the Colossians, you can't hope to protect the family without protecting the truth!
To find out more about Waterbrooke church - Go to www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Sep 22, 2019

This Sunday our message is called: Hospitality and the Expansive Love of Christ. One of the great discoveries in the Christian life is that God expands His work in us by expanding His work through us. One of the clearest evidences of this is in the ministry of hospitality.God sovereignly sends strangers our way for us to bless because God intends to bless us as we share life in Christ together with them.As Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive” and we must pray that as we seek opportunities to serve others through hospitality that we will experience what a gift that is to us from the Lord.

Sunday Sep 08, 2019

This Sunday’s message is called "Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?" Just before Hebrews moves into its final chapter, the preacher points us to two mountains. One is Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments. The other is Mount Zion which is the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God where Jesus reigns.The difference between those two places is staggering. Fear, smoke, thunder fill Sinai. Joy, Singing, Justice fill Mount Zion. What makes the difference? Jesus. Come as we consider the two options that every one of us face – will we stand on our own at Mount Sinai or stand firm in Christ at the gates of Mount Zion?

Sunday Sep 01, 2019

The sermon this week from Hebrews 12 is entitled: My Brother's Keeper. 
The vision of the gospel is of a people who were once deeply broken and wounded by sin entering through Christ into a kingdom of peace and joy and righteousness. The gospel transforms us from being selfishly sinful people to those who would sacrifice to see people made whole again through Christ. This radically shapes our view of the pursuit of holiness. It is far from being cold, legalistic rule-keeping. It is longing for as many people as possible to be saved from the ravages of sin into the gladness and wholeness that is found in Christ alone. 
Let's pray that we would be moved by the Spirit of God to be such a community by the power of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Find out  more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019

This Sunday’s message is entitled "Growing Deep in Difficult Times: How to Make the Most of our Sufferings". It is easy for all of us to struggle spiritually during the tough trials of the Christian life. Hebrews teaches us that times of hardship are designed both for our growth and for the gospel to advance. Therefore, we need some basic principles and strategies for maximizing hard times in our lives for eternal good.Pray that the Holy Spirit will help all of us with this as we worship together this week as God’s people. 
To find out more about Waterbrooke church go to www.waterbrooke.church

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019

This Sunday morning, we are jumping into the first few verses of Hebrews 12. Our message is entitled: Adjusting Our Focus: Fixing our Eyes on the Author and Finisher of our Faith. One of the reasons that we as Christians struggle so much is that we too easily walk by sight and not by faith. We focus on our problems and we forget about Jesus. We exhaust ourselves trying to change our circumstances when all along Christ is sovereignly working in our circumstances to change our hearts.Where you focus, completely changes how you respond during hard times. Would you pray for God to do a major change of focus in all our hearts and minds this Sunday?
Find out more about Waterbrooke Church at www.waterbrooke.church

Thursday Aug 22, 2019

This week’s message is entitled "He is No Fool: How Faith Frees Us From Self to Risk All For Chris't. One of the great blessings of Hebrews 11 is that we have a record of unexceptional people doing exceptional things for Christ. At the heart of their stories is how the gospel set them free from living safe, self- preserving lives.It freed them in a way that brought God’s approval and brought others hope. Let’s pray as we finish our study of Hebrews 11 that God would empower us to live freely and fully for Christ.

Sunday Aug 04, 2019

This Sunday’s message is entitled "Seeing is Freeing: How Faith Lets Us See and Sets us Free". In Hebrews 11:23-28, we will see that God led his people out of captivity under Moses by faith. Faith is the ability to see things as they really are, not as sin and the world wants us to.This is what enables us to live fully for Christ in a hostile world: we see through the lies. We see the way to life. Come and let’s pray for all of us to have eyes to see and lives that are free through Jesus Christ.

Sunday Jul 28, 2019

This Sunday’s message is called “Parenting and Grand-parenting By Faith”. The great hope of the gospel radically shifts how we raise our children in a world that is often hostile to the gospel.This Sunday, in our study of Hebrews 11, we will show 4 different approaches to parenting and grand-parenting that are shaped by the hope of the resurrection.Our prayer is that we would think afresh about how different parenting looks like when the gospel is the greatest singular hope of your life. Pray, invite other parents and grand-parents, and let’s worship together this Sunday.

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