Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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Monday Oct 19, 2015

Regularly, we hear stories of people being released from prison after wrongful convictions. Some new piece of evidence, usually DNA, has exonerated them. The television cameras capture the moment that the newly freed prisoner steps out into the fresh air.   They pause. They soak in the sunlight. They begin to publicly thank those that worked to secure their freedom. This Sunday, we are going to celebrate the message of the gospel. The gospel is a declaration of freedom. Yet, the story is very different. We go free not because we have been found innocent. We go free because of the cross of Jesus Christ. Come and let us rejoice together in the message of Christ’s work on our behalf. Let’s step into the sunlight of forgiving grace and praise Him who has worked on our behalf to secure our release. I am calling this week’s sermon: “Freedom and Forgiveness: The Purchase of Blood”.Listen to the entire series again for the first time - A Passion for Oneness Series

Wednesday Oct 14, 2015

One of Apostle Paul’s prayers for God’s people is that they would know just how broad and long and deep and wide is the love of God for us in Christ. It is staggering to reflect upon how determined God is that we should understand this marvelous truth. This upcoming Sunday, our sermon is entitled: “Destined for Adoption: The Depth of Divine Love”.  No Christian should ever live without this beautiful reality clearly defining his or her life. Come and let us spend some time together considering our adoption as God’s very own children!

Tuesday Oct 13, 2015

Have you ever met someone who has a hard time making up their minds? Or, when they do make up their minds, they have a hard time following through on what they have decided? Most of us have found ourselves vacillating from time to time. We struggle to make up our minds or to follow through on our plans or promises from time to time. This Sunday, the message is entitled “When God makes Up His Mind.” It is a great comfort and joy to the people of God to know that the story of the church, our story as God’s people, is really the story of a God who made a decision, and no-one and no-thing could stand in His way. Come and let us celebrate together the unshakeable purpose of God to save a people for Himself and to fit them for eternity.  Let's Worship together!

Tuesday Sep 29, 2015

Have you ever been stunned by someone’s over the top generosity? Have you walked away shaking your head thinking to yourself, “That was way beyond anything that I could have ever thought or imagined”?This is Paul’s attitude in writing to the Ephesians. On Sunday, we will have our second sermon in this series. I am entitling it: Crazy Good – Celebrating God’s Lavish Grace to His Church.What shapes our love for each other is a delight in God’s amazing and generous love for us. Come let’s join together and celebrate the incredible riches of God’s generosity towards us in Jesus Christ.

Monday Sep 21, 2015

In a day and age when many people consider the church either
irrelevant or irretrievably broken, the epistle to the Ephesians makes
something urgently clear: The church is God’s chosen means of displaying the
transforming and unifying power of the message of the cross. The church is not
a side project of God. It is not His part time interest. The church is God’s
main project.  To dispense with the
church is to abandon the cause of Christ.Is the church weak, troubled, messy and in
need of much grace? Of course it is – and God loves her, bought her, and has
made it His aim to present her spotless in His presence. Friends, if you are a
Christian, then you are His church. We are His church, together! God is not
indifferent to us. He delights in us. He is devoted to us. When it comes to
what we are becoming, God is “all in”! God has a great plan to reveal His glory
to us and, amazingly, through us. That last part is crucial. God’s purpose is
to display His glory to the world through His people, the church. What He is
doing in our lives is ultimately what He intends to do with all things in
heaven and earth – He is going to make it one.Come
and explore with us God’s passion for oneness. Let’s explore together the
miracle of God’s radical plan to make all things one and let’s rejoice in His
unrelenting love for His people, His bride – the church. God is passionate
about our oneness. Are you?

Sunday Sep 06, 2015

In the old James Bond movies, the famous fictional British Secret Service agent, 007, always ordered his martinis “shaken, and not stirred.” That would be an apt description for many of us as Christians at difficult moments in our lives.We are shaken with fear and anxiety. We aren’t stirred by the Spirit of God’s promptings towards seizing these moments as opportunities to grow in our love for God and to be moved to serve others with unshakeable hope and confidence.Well, this Sunday, we are going to study Psalm 16 in which David declares “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”There is a need for all of us to develop the discipline of keeping God always before us. If we did, we would be stirred and not shaken. We would say with the psalmist, “Therefore, my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices.”Come this Sunday as we encourage one another in church family worship and as we study together the vital subject of Prayer: the Discipline of Delighting in God.

Monday Aug 31, 2015

Have you ever thought about the fact that as a disciple of Jesus that you were saved to sing? This Sunday, in our series on Praying with the Psalms, we are going to study Psalm 40. I have entitled this sermon, Saved to Sing, because as King David prays to the Lord, his prayer is shaped by his determination to make public what God has done in His heart. Let’s gather this Sunday and sing of our Savior! Pray for God to prepare all of our hearts and minds for our family worship time. I am looking forward to worshipping our Lord Jesus with you all!

Sunday Aug 23, 2015

This Sunday, we will be looking at the well-known 139th Psalm. As we continue in our series Praying with the Psalms, we are going to consider the question – How much does God really concern Himself with our lives? Does God really care? This question arises most pointedly when we are struggling with pain, failure, and disappointment. Have you been deeply pained by life’s circumstances? Has the struggle made you wonder about the degree of God’s active concern for your life? In this psalm, King David marvels at just how engaged God is in his life. Let’s gather to think through what the Scriptures have to say on the subject ofPrayer, Pain, and the Providence of God. Let’s pray for a powerful time in worship together.

Monday Aug 17, 2015

Join us this Sunday, as we continue in our study on
Praying with the Psalms. This week’s study is entitled “Deep and Wide:
Forgiveness vs. Flippancy” and it is a study on how to pray for God’s
forgiveness using Psalm 130. One of the reasons that praying can be difficult
is guilt. Have you ever found yourself struggling to pray because of guilt or
shame? In our culture, guilt is seen as unnecessary and unhealthy. Even as
Christians, we can be flippant about our sin because we know God forgives sin.
This may be why God seems distant and our prayer life sometimes feels shallow.
Let’s learn to pray in such a way that forgiveness leads to deep adoration and
reverence for Christ. That’s our focus in God’s Word this Sunday. Come and

Monday Aug 10, 2015

Spend some time with Andy as he sheds some light on Spiritual Blind Spots.

Sunday Aug 02, 2015

This week, we are going to begin a mini-series
entitled Praying with the Psalms. Most people know that prayer is vital to the
Christian life. Prayer is the remarkable privilege that God’s children have
been given. Access to the King of heaven is freely offered to all who belong to
the Lord Jesus Christ. However, opportunity doesn’t always translate into
activity. The Prayer Ministry Team, the pastors and overseers of Waterbrooke
want to encourage us to commit ourselves to being a praying people. Come, let’s
learn how to pray using the Psalms!

Sunday Jul 26, 2015

If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you know what is like to have a little taste of heaven, and then to have the shock of coming down off the mountain into the messiness of everyday life and relationships. God gives us a glimpse of His beauty and the glory of heaven in order to teach us that we were made for something far greater. C.S. Lewis once wrote about this deep longing that God places in our hearts: “We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words—to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it…”Join with us this Sunday, as we consider the beauty of what God offers to us in Christ, and how He not only creates the longing, but then leads us to it. Be praying for our time together!Pastor Kevin Dibbley

Sunday Jul 19, 2015

This Sunday as we continue our short series, In the Grip of His Glory, we will look at the apostle Paul and his passion for the glory of God’s power. Ministry and the Christian life can be very challenging. However, we need to see that our trials and hardships are not interfering with the ministry to which God has called us. They actually serve to display the glory of the power of the God who raises the dead. Even when it is difficult, we ought to be encouraged to know that God is at work in ways that we often would never imagine. Come and be strengthened by God’s Word as we worship as a family.

Sunday Jul 12, 2015

Welcome to Pastor Kevin Dibbley.  This week’s sermon will be
about:  Three men, all possessing notable flaws, experience remarkable
personal transformation as God places His holy call upon their lives. 
What enabled a guilt-racked, reluctant murderer, a self-righteous religious
zealot, and a man-fearing, save-yourself-first coward, to become committed,
humble, persevering servants of God when called to live for the Lord in
circumstances far beyond their abilities? They were all captured by a
passionate hunger for a deeper, more profound encounter with the God of glory. Join us over the next three Sundays as we study: In the Grip of His Glory:
How a passion for God powerfully changes the people of God.

Sunday May 31, 2015

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