Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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Thursday Aug 11, 2016

This Sunday, we looked at Dads, Children, and the Gospel. Upon the shoulders of every father is the awesome privilege of imparting the hope of Christ to their kids. Children have the same core needs as their parents. That need is to possess a life that is rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ. How does a parent prepare a child of life under the Son? Come, let’s consider this together.

Monday Aug 01, 2016

Family life is a precious gift from God in which parents and children have the awesome privilege of loving Jesus by loving one another. We are going to be challenged by the call of God to young people to take seriously His call on their lives within their families. Christian kids have a high and holy calling. God doesn’t dumb it down for you. He doesn’t take your attitudes or actions lightly. Your lives and your actions towards your parents have lifelong consequences and rewards. It’s worth thinking over.

Sunday Jul 24, 2016

The beautiful truth about marriage is that it is designed to emulate the beauty of the love of Christ for  His bride the church. This Sunday, we considered how Christ constantly nourishes and cherishes His people. The attentiveness of Christ to our eternal welfare ought to be a source of enormous comfort and joy to us as we make our way through this life. Come and let’s worship our never neglecting Savior as we continue our study called The Gospel in Marriage.

Sunday Jul 17, 2016

The Gospel in Marriage Part II: Washing with the Word"  by Pastor Kevin Dibbley
This Sunday, we will be continuing our study of TheGospel in Marriage. As we consider Paul’s exhortation to husbands, we will see that we are given a glorious picture of how Jesus Christ loves His church. Every believer ought to rejoice that the Lord loves us with such selflessness. Every husband ought to glory in Christ and seek to be like Him. Come and let’s worship our glorious Savior together!

Monday Jul 11, 2016

This Sunday we looked at the Gospel in Marriage. Many people see themselves struggling to make marriage work. Could it be that one of the challenges we face in marriage is that we see marriage as less than what it is? Marriage isn’t just about two people trying to stay in love or seeking to find fulfillment. Marriage is about embodying the gospel. Marriage is a great avenue for declaring and displaying the message of Christ’s forgiving love.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

Monday Jul 11, 2016

This Sunday’s message is about the necessity of deliberateness in the life of the Christian. It doesn’t take effort to fade into the fog of cultural compromise. The apostle Paul says that “the days are evil”. Vibrant Christian faith requires astuteness and attentiveness. It takes effort to stay dialed into God. Come this Sunday as we consider how Christian living must be intentional living.

Guest Speaker: Tom Steller

Friday Jul 01, 2016

Friday Jul 01, 2016

Our Guest Pastor is Tom Steller from Bethlehem College and Seminary, Minneapolis. What an awesome promise that in the Lord our labor is not in vain. Our labor includes every kingdom effort, whether it’s missions, Sunday School teaching, or our “secular” labor. My hope is that God’s Word will inspire us to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in whatever God calls us to do each day of our lives. Our hope is grounded not in ourselves but in the resurrection of Jesus and our promised resurrection because of Him.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2016

In Ephesians 5:7-14 Paul clarifies that perpetuating or even talking about the shameful acts of the disobedient is to lend tacit approval to their practices.  How do we, as those entrusted with the truth, let the light of truth expose that which is hidden in the darkness? And how do we do it with conviction, humility, and grace? Join us next week as we continue our study of Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus and explore what it means to "walk as Children of light."

Sunday Jun 12, 2016

This Sunday, our message will be called "Biblical Clarity in an Age of Moral Confusion". Most of us realize that the culture in which we live has experienced a seismic moral shift. Not only have the standards of morality with regard to decency and sexuality changed dramatically, but the pressure to conform is enormous. From the court rooms to the classrooms to the concert stadiums, public pressure is upon all citizens to capitulate or to be publicly castigated and cut off from society. Many Christians have found themselves questioning or struggling with long held ethical and behavioral practices. What we need to be reminded is that this is not a new issue. Neither is it a confusing one. The Bible is calm and clear. I was going to call this message, Keep Calm and Carry On. Come as we look at this together at how the church exists to be a clearly contrasting kingdom in a world that is rushing headlong into calamity.

Monday Jun 06, 2016

What is it that gets you out of the bed in the morning? What is the heartbeat that drives everything that you say and do? By what measure do you decide whether today has been a good day or a bad day?
Today, we will be looking at Ephesians 5:1-2. Come and see how our joy in God’s joy shapes all that we do as His children.

Tuesday May 31, 2016

We are going to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend with a family service outdoors. Come, bring your lawn chairs, and enjoy the beginning of the summer season.  Our time in the Word will be on Ephesians 4:31-32, Softening Your Voice By Softening Your Heart. We're looking forward to a fun and edifying time together.

Tuesday May 24, 2016

This Sunday we had our annual Youth Service. Our message for this Sunday is The Transforming Power of Words. Whether you are a Teen or not, you know the powerful impact of words.
Some words that you hear as a young person linger over your entire life as adults. God is a God who uses Words to build and to beautify His people. Speaking is not a right in God’s world. It is a privilege and a responsibility. Let’s come and consider how our words can be wielded for great good!
Let's Worship Together!

Monday May 16, 2016

This Sunday, we studied Gospel Generosity – The End of Stealing. We live in a world that is wrestling with consumption, self-absorption, and greed. When Christ changes the hearts of God’s  people, their gratitude for grace and their love for God and others, completely transforms their ambition. Holy ambition creates passionate generosity. Thieves becomes givers. Come and let’s consider how the gospel makes givers out of us all.
Let's Worship Together!

Sunday May 08, 2016

The old adage says, "You don't get to choose your family."  While this may be true from a biological standpoint, from a spiritual standpoint, when we place our faith in the work of the cross, we are adopted into a new family with Christ as the head.  What does this mean for those in our biological families?  How are we to exist as members of both families? How can we reconcile the differences between the two?  Join us as we celebrate Mother's Day and learn more about God's design for the new family that we are adopted into through the Gospel. 

Sunday May 01, 2016

This Sunday, we are going to talk about something that might be a wee bit relevant to people’s lives:anger. There is no doubt that being a Christian in a broken world is going to give plenty of opportunity for a person to be angry. There is no doubt that we are living at a time of great public anger. What do you as a Christian do with it? In a day and age of instant communication, it is far easier to vent our anger than to strategically respond in a way that glorifies Christ. Come this week, as we study “How to Be Angry and Not Sin.” Oh, and please pray.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2016

The church is called to build one another up until we all reach the fullness of Christ. The goal is to display God's glory but as you know, we aren't there yet. During this sermon we considered how the church is the place where God intends to transform His people through the gospel into His likeness. What does that mean for us? How do we as struggling saints become a safe and healthy environment for people to work out deep struggles and enter into the joy of Christian life? Come and let's begin to consider that this Sunday.

Sunday Apr 17, 2016

There is a seismic shift in how you approach living your life when you become a true Christian. When you have truth, God’s truth, it is a complete renovation of our thinking and our living. Come as we study “Doing a Complete 180: How the Word of Christ Changes How We Live Life.” In a world where truth has been tossed, Christians alone have been given a new self, a new walk. Jesus says “Walk this way.” Let’s consider how to walk His Way!

Monday Apr 11, 2016

Between April 10th and April 15th, Waterbrooke is going to be praying as a church family for one another and for our community followed by a Prayer Service on Friday the 15th. So, this Sunday, we are going to study our theme text for our week of prayer, Ephesians 3:14-21. The message is entitled: Bowing Before the Father: How the Gospel Shapes Our  Praying.

Sunday Apr 03, 2016

Unity is both something that we as Christians possess in Christ and it is something that we pursue through Christ. What we sometimes don’t realize is that unity is more than a mindset. It is a way of life. We call it community. When Christians live in true community with one another, using our gifts and serving in love, we begin to make sense of the truth and build a defense against lies. On our first Sunday in April, join us as we consider “Building a Community that Can Withstand the Shifting Winds of Culture.”
To listen to last week's sermon go to www.wbfellowship.org

Monday Mar 28, 2016

Resurrection Sunday! As we gather to celebrate how our crucified Savior triumphed over the grave on our behalf, our study is entitled“He’s Not Finished Yet!” The disciples’ shattered expectations from a very, very bad Friday were suddenly eclipsed by the glorious news,“He is Risen!” In an instant, darkness turned to light, and despondency to unshakable hope! Christ finished His work on Calvary so that He might go to work on eternity! Our eternity! Let’s come together and consider the absolutely cosmic shift in eternity that Easter announces!.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org
Waterbrooke Church

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