Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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Thursday Feb 16, 2017

This Sunday we studied Ecclesiastes 5 which was entitled: Worship and Work – How Sunday Shapes the Rest of Your Week (and the Rest of Your Life). For a great deal of people, work is a struggle. It certainlyisn’t worship. Worry, maybe, but not worship. This week, God’s Word will show us that greater reverence for God inevitably leads to greater rejoicing in our work.  Let's worship Together

Friday Feb 03, 2017

Why is it that we tend to overlook and underestimate God’s goodness?  Why is it so hard for us to remember God’s promises (especially when the remembrance of those promises would bring us the peace, hope, and joy we so desperately need?)  This isn’t a new issue; mankind has a history of not taking God at His word.  Come and learn how God goes out of His way to reveal His goodness to us, and why it is right for us to “trust Him with all our heart.”  See you this Sunday.
Find out more about Waterbrooke church at www.wbfellowship.org
Feeling led to give to Waterbrooke - Give online HERE

Tuesday Jan 24, 2017

This Sunday, we are excited to be having our brother Bruce Washington ministering the Word to us. Bruce has been the overseer who has been heading up Biblical Counselling at Waterbrooke and his heart is to see people understand how the gospel changes absolutely everything in our lives. Keep Bruce in prayer and pray that God prepares each heart to hear the good news through Bruce.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

Monday Jan 16, 2017

One of the great discoveries of life is the discovery that we are not in control of life’s events. As the text  declares “For everything, there is a season…”  Finding peace in a world where we aren’t in control, where one day we experience the joy of birth and the next day is a time of mourning demands a God-centered, God-exalting perspective. Come and learn how this is actually “God’s gift to humanity.” Come as we consider how to be okay without being in control.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

Friday Jan 13, 2017

Waterbrooke Church, in preparation for Sunday's message, listen to a little Paul Simon and read Ecclesiastes 2. Note verses 24 and following - "This also is from the hand of God..."
If you would like to find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

Wednesday Dec 14, 2016

In the second part of our Christmas series: We Beheld His Glory, our message will be entitled “The Triumph of the Light”.  One of people’s great fears is to be exposed. Light exposes. But in the message of Christmas, God invites us to overcome those fears because in Jesus’ our sin is met by God’s great grace. Come, let’s celebrate the life-giving power of the Light of the World!
Check our church at www.wbfellowship.org
If you feel led to give to our church go to www.wbfellowship.org/serve

Wednesday Dec 14, 2016

It’s hard to believe but this Sunday is the first week of December. We will be starting a short Christmas series entitled: We Beheld His Glory. It is taken from the gospel of John 1 and we encourage you to read up on it this week. The message will be called The Meaning of Life is the Maker of Life.
Check out our church at www.wbfellowship.org and if you felt led to give to our church go to www.wbfellowship.org/donations

Tuesday Nov 22, 2016

This Sunday, our final sermon in our Deep and Wide Series will be called: A Wide Mercy: Waterbrooke is called by God to seek justice and to show mercy. We have several people who have been seeking to work on behalf of people who suffer hardships and injustices which many of us cannot even fathom. We want to challenge one another to be a people who seek justice and show mercy in the name of our great and merciful Savior.
Find out more about our church at www.wbfellowship.org

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016

This Sunday’s message was entitled: A Wide World. We are called to take the hope of Christ to all peoples. Our ambition is to see the name of Christ adored and exalted by every tribe and tongue and people. Global mission is one of Waterbrooke’s highest callings. This is one area that we feel increasingly compelled to promote and to pursue. Waterbrooke is called to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. We want to be challenged to be global agents for the kingdom of Christ. Next week's sermon is entitled: A Wide Mercy
Find out more about our church at www.wbfellowship.org

Sunday Nov 06, 2016

This Sunday’s message is entitled: A Wide Witness. The reality is that the more that we who make up Waterbrooke delight in what God has given us in Christ, the more we will long to share that life with the world around us. One of the reasons that we are moving to two services is to challenge each other to pray and to share and to gather lost sheep who need to know the joy and healing of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe Christ is worthy of worship and witness!

Thursday Nov 03, 2016

This Sunday, we are going to continue our Deep and Wide series by looking at Deep Relationships – The church is an incredible gift of God. It is His central and singular work this side of heaven. The gift of God to us is that we have the privilege of growing together, celebrating His grace in the midst of our deeply differing backgrounds and stories. We believe that deepening our love for each other will be one of the clearest displays of Christ’s presence and power to a watching world.

Sunday Oct 23, 2016

In our new series, Growing Deeper and Going Wider, our next sermon is on prayer. In the message entitled Deep Rivers, we will see that prayer ought to be to the believer like breathing. Busyness in the Christian life is no substitute for constant communion with Christ. Waterbrooke is committed to being a church which draws deeply on the grace of God through prayer. The challenge that we want to put before you is not to do more but to draw more from the River of Life!

Wednesday Oct 19, 2016

This Sunday, we began a new series entitled Growing Deeper, Going Wider. Our first message will be entitled Deep Roots. There is no growth in our relationship with God without a deepening understanding and fidelity to His Word. As Waterbrooke pursues God’s leading and blessing for our church family, we know that will only happen as each of us become more rooted in the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to challenge each other to go deeper in our knowledge of God and to learn to joyfully embrace the life of faith to which we are continually being called in the Scriptures.
Let's Worship together.
Check out previous sermons at www.wbfellowship.org

Sunday Oct 09, 2016

What would you want your final words to be to those that you love? Next Sunday morning, our sermon will be called: Saving the Best Until Last – Paul’s Farewell Blessing to The Church at Ephesus. One of the beautiful truths about being a Christian is that even when our time runs out, God’s grace doesn’t.

Monday Sep 26, 2016

This Sunday, we are going to consider the Plea of the Apostle. Often, we consider the apostles in the Bible to be like super-heroes. They seem so far above us until we actually listen carefully to what they say. Then, we realize that God chooses ordinary people for His extra-ordinary work. I hope this will be an encouragement for all of us. Let's worship together!

Wednesday Sep 14, 2016

Praying for one another is one of the clearest signs and one of the most important functions of our unity as believers. Next Sunday, we will be considering the biblical call to a lifestyle of prayerfulness in our message entitled An All-pervasive Prayer Life. Join us in praying that God would increase the passion of Waterbrooke for prayer through this message.
Let's worship together!
To find out more about Waterbrooke go to www.wbfellowship.org

Monday Sep 05, 2016

The enemy continually seeks to fan the flames of conflict and division in Christian homes and churches. Thankfully, Christians have God-given resources for countering Satan’s schemes. If you are a genuine Christian, the last thing you want is more Christ-dishonoring conflict in your life. Come this Sunday as we see how to douse the flaming darts of the enemy so we can stand together for the Savior.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

Thursday Sep 01, 2016

The motto of the Boy Scouts of America is: Be Prepared. Its founder, Robert Baden Powell described this as “…having disciplined yourself to be obedient to every order, and also by having thought out beforehand any accident or situation that might occur, so that you know the right thing to do at the right moment, and are willing to do it.” The calling of the Christian is to live in this sort state of continual readiness to ward off any spiritual attack on the testimony, integrity and unity of the church of Jesus Christ. This Sunday, we are going to look at this in detail!

Sunday Aug 21, 2016

In our study of Ephesians, it is clear that unity is the will of God for His people, whether it is at work or home or in our ministry together. Why then is unity a constant challenge? Paul explains that there is an enemy who seeks to divide and to destroy.

Monday Aug 15, 2016

One of the most freeing realities for many Christians is that their work has been redeemed by Christ. No one goes about their daily business as a “routine” when Jesus becomes their Lord and Savior. Come and let’s consider how God rescues work from monotony and makes it count for eternity! Join us this Sunday as we worship together.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

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