Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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Thursday Feb 08, 2018

Next Sunday, we have a couple of things on the agenda. First, we want to be praying in light of the Superbowl. We are partnering with Trafficking and Justice, IJM, and others to pray for police and for those involved in reaching out to those caught in trafficking at this huge event. We also want to consider the theme “Mighty are the Meek” from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Jan 21, 2018

The challenge to shining in a dark world is dealing with the darkness continually. Seeing sin continually is a struggle for most of us butthe promise is that there is comfort for those who face it, feel it, and flee to Jesus.

Sunday Jan 14, 2018

The Challenge to shining in a dark world is dealing with the darkness continually.  Seeing sin continually is a struggle for most of us but the promise is that ther is comfort for those who face it, feel it and flee to Jesus.
Find out more about our church go to www.waterbrooke.church

Monday Jan 08, 2018

This Sunday, we will begin our new series: Shine: Reflecting God's Glory In a Darkening World. What we will see is that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who have no right to it.
Find out more about Waterbrooke at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Dec 31, 2017

It’s hard to believe it's Christmas Eve! Our message for that Sunday is entitled: The World Did Not Know Him. One of the most striking truths about the incarnation is that after all the anticipation, the world did not recognize him. The question is this: Is recognizing Jesus difficult because of Him or because of us? Come as we recognize and celebrate that God’s Son came and dwelt among us.

Sunday Dec 10, 2017

This Sunday, our message was entitled “Why Jesus is the Center of the Universe and I am not.” We will be looking at Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus and seeing that God’s eternal purpose was and is to give Christ pre-eminence over all!.

Saturday Dec 02, 2017

This Sunday, we will have our final sermon in 1 Peter. It is entitled Grouped Together by Grace. Peter sends his closing remarks to the persecuted church and it is obvious that God works through people battered by the world but renewed in grace. If you are struggling as a Christian, this should give you hope.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Nov 05, 2017

This Sunday, our study was entitled Fostering Christian Humility. Humility is a battle fought in every Christian"s heart. Too often, we struggle with being honest and transparent. We can be reluctant to look to others for direction and correction. Pride keeps us at a distance and i t keeps us disconnected from any deep meaningful Christian interaction. 1 Peter 5:5-11 reveals to us that the safest person is actually the person who trusts God enough to humble himself or herself. Humility opens up a channel to the grace of God. Is pride keeping you from experiencing God's grace? Come and join us as we study this crucial and challenging subject of Fostering Christian Humility.
To find out more about our church go to www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Oct 29, 2017

This Sunday the message was entitled:  Stepping Up – The Call for Christian Leadership. What makes Christian leadership unique? What attributes mark out the kind of leader that Christians are called to follow? What does a Christ-like leader look like? Peter gives us some clear and simple directions that challenge leaders to step up for the sake of God’s people and for the sake of the gospel.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Oct 22, 2017

This Sunday our sermon is from 1 Peter 4:15-19. It is entitled “Unashamed”. The apostle Peter calls us as believers to be unashamed to suffer for the name of Christ. What kind of impact would the church have if all believers were holy, happy, and unashamed lives of open devotion to Christ? Peter says such is the hour in which we live. Are you unashamed?
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Monday Oct 16, 2017

The psalmist who penned Psalms 42 and 43 was not unfamiliar with worry and anxiety.  In these psalms, however, they both revealed to us the extent to which the human experience can be consumed by despair and the heights to which our joy can rise when we dwell on the Lord's goodness.  Join us as we study a hope that is rooted in our knowledge of the Lord and His promises to the believer!

Sunday Oct 08, 2017

The gospel promises that we will have problems in this world, and that we shouldn't let it trouble us.  This often seems easier said than done; especially when the storm is raging around us and no clear-skies are in sight.  As we explore the psalms this week, we'll see that anxiety was just as familiar to the writers of Scripture as it is to us, and that the comfort they found in God's promises has been made available to us in Christ.  

Sunday Sep 24, 2017

On September 24th, our message will be entitled “Come Together”. Peter urges believers to love one
another earnestly as we move towards the “end of all things”. At Waterbrooke, our prayer is that our
community would stand as a stark and attractive contrast to the conflicted culture of the culture where
we live. May they know we are Christians by our love.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017

This Sunday, our sermon from 1 Peter 4:7 is entitled “The End of All Things” The Christian sees history as His story – the story of God’s redemptive plan. This helps us when the world seems to be falling into chaos and disarray. Come as we consider how helpful and hopeful it is to see things from God’s perspective.

Sunday Sep 03, 2017

This Sunday the message was entitled Making Christ’s Purpose Your Purpose. Little do we think that the reason for many of our struggles is that we have no clear aim in our lives. Every believer is given a clear purpose and if they live daily in light of it, they will live distinctly in a world that needs to see Jesus. Come and let’s consider how to arm ourselves with the purpose of Jesus.

Monday Aug 21, 2017

This Sunday, we looked at Messy Marriages and God’s Mission, part II. In this week’s passage, Peter talks specifically to husbands reminding them of God’s call upon their lives as husbands. There is no doubt that God wants men who reflect Him and rely on Him as they love and lead their families. Come as we consider this much-needed Biblical model for marriage.

Monday Aug 21, 2017

This week, we will be moving into the third chapter of 1 Peter. Peter begins this chapter by showing us that often marriage is a mission field. At the time when Peter wrote this, people were coming to faith when their spouses hadn’t. Even when both spouses did come to faith, they were often at different places in their spiritual growth and maturity. Join us as we consider how to please God when your marriage is messy. Our sermon is entitled: Messy Marriages and God’s Mission.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017

This Sunday, Pastor Kevin’s sermon is entitled Rescuing Freedom. In our day and age, freedom is understood by many to be the unhindered opportunity to live as the master of their own lives. Little do people know that this zeal to do whatever we please whenever we please is slavery. In Jesus Christ, freedom looked very different. He used His freedom to lay down His life. What do a truly free people live in a world that lives under the illusion that they are free? Come next Sunday as we study 1 Peter 2:13-17.
Find out more about Waterbrooke at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Jul 16, 2017

The Sunday, we are glad to have Pastor Steve Kim speaking. His sermon is called “Learning to Wait on God’s Timing.” In times of severe hardships, it can become frustrating and confusing when God seems silent. Waiting for God can be painful and the temptation to take matters into our own hands can be strong. But the Sovereign Lord is always in control of the situation. He knows what he’s doing and if it seems like he’s slow to act, there’s a perfect divine reason for that as well. So what do you do when you’re in the midst of suffering? Learn to wait patiently on Him who is the mighty Saviour.
To find out more about our church go to www.waterbrooke.church

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