Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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Tuesday Jul 24, 2018

This Sunday, we are going to be prayerfully considering Jesus' teaching on praying for forgiveness. The great tragedy of Adam and Eve's fall into sin is that humanity has experienced deep deep brokenness and betrayal. On the vertical level, our sins have alienated us from God. At a relational level, we are all the walking wounded and wounding. Come as we consider why forgiveness is a constant need in the life of the Christian.
To find out more about our church go to www.wbfellowship.org

Sunday Jul 01, 2018

Join us as we continue through the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Colossians and study Paul's prayer for the church. In it he prays that they would be recipients of several blessings from the Spirit, all of which are necessary if we are to serve faithfully and thankfully. 

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018

This Sunday, we have the joy and privilege of having Pastor Bill Bonner speaking. Bill and Maureen as a couple were the founding leaders/planters for Waterbrooke Church and have been instruments of Christ in the lives of many of our Waterbrooke family. Come and worship and rejoice in God’s unfailing love and pray that God would bless and encourage the Bonners as they join us to glorify Christ!

Sunday Jun 17, 2018

Next Sunday, we will continue our study on prayer, Praying with Kingdom Priorities, with the message: Heaven on Earth: What Does It Really Look Like? Jesus teaches His disciples to pray that God’s kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven. What does that look like and why should this captivate our energies and creative ambitions? Can we actually begin to see heaven on earth in our lives today? In a world that is very earthly minded, how do we elevate our minds and ambitions to something far greater and far more lasting?
Find out more at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Jun 10, 2018

This Sunday, we began a little mini-series in the middle of our study of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is entitled: Praying with Kingdom Priorities. How often do we feel a great disconnect between our everyday lives and the calling that we have been given as disciples of Christ? Do we find that we move through the routines of life with a deep sense of holy expectation that God is here and at work in the dust and difficulties of ordinary people like us? Jesus’ teaching on prayer is meant to bring heaven to earth, the kingdom of God into the daily lives of ordinary people.

Sunday Jun 03, 2018

This Sunday, our sermon is entitled: Secretly Seeking Reward. Jesus encourages believers not to become religious performers rather than real people who love the Lord. We often grow up trying to gain and hold on to the fickle approval of people forgetting that we live for only One person – the Lord. There is no lasting joy or reward except for those who make it their ambition to live for God and His glory alone!

Sunday May 27, 2018

This Sunday, our message is one of freedom.  We often find ourselves trying to fefend ourselves from the unjust actions of others. That can be paralyzing when you have been burnt by people in the past.  Trick me once, shame on me.  Trick me twice, shame on you.  The joy of the Christian life is that we have gbeen set free from setting everytyhing right. We have ONE on our side who will do that one day. This liberates us in many helpful ways.

Monday May 21, 2018

This week, our sermon is called The Power of a Promise-Keeping Community. Breaking your word is done too easily today. Jesus follows his teaching on marriage in Matthew 5 with an exhortation to “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.” Our God is a God who always keeps His Word. We ought not to be looking for loopholes by which to escape our promises. What a different community the church is meant to be when people make and keep their promises to one another.

Sunday May 13, 2018

This Sunday, we will look at the subject of Transforming How We View Women. In a culture that is reeling from sexual abuse, we still find objectification commonplace. Jesus calls for a radical shift in how we view women that remains powerfully relevant today and is critical to the life and the expansion of the Kingdom of heaven.

Sunday May 06, 2018

This Sunday "What's Your Problem?"  by Pastor Kevin Dibbley 
Tomorrow, we will see Jesus continuing to talk about our hearts. His unrelenting pursuit of true heart transformation is crucial to the advancement of His kingdom in this world. In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus shows us that how we deal with difficult people is radically different than how we would respond without Christ. Our message is entitled: What’s Your Problem? Pray for a powerful work of the Spirit of God through the Word of God in each of our hearts.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018

This Sunday, we will look at one of the most challenging statements of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” In the kingdom of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ raises the standard ofrighteousness to the highest level. The good news is that He also reveals how what is impossible for us is not impossible for Him. Come as we study: “Christ’s Righteousness – Our Righteousness.”

Sunday Apr 15, 2018

Easter Sunday. Celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our message is entitled: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t simply intend us to celebrate the resurrection but to live in light of it every day. The resurrection of Jesus is a living power that leads to many people praising and thanking God for His power at work in our everyday difficulties and problems.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Mar 25, 2018

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. As we celebrate Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem, appropriately, we will be looking at Jesus words: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Our God is clearly a God who calls for and who passionately and sacrificially pursues peace.

Sunday Mar 18, 2018

This Sunday, we will be looking at how the Christian practically pursues a pure heart. Blessed are the Pure in Heart, Part II is an examination of some well-known passages that speak passionately about how a Christian is to seek the help of God to bring about real, deep, and lasting heart change.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Mar 11, 2018

This Sunday...“A Banquet In A Barren Land” by Pastor Steve KimThis Sunday, we are welcoming Pastor Steve Kim from Grace Fellowship Church, Toronto. Steve is visiting with Pastor Kevin and MariAnne with his wife Kathy and their girls. He will speaking on “A Banquet In A Barren Land” based on Exodus 16.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Mar 04, 2018

This Sunday... "Looking to Glory"by Pastor Andy KeppelDespite the fact that Paul's letter to the Colossians was intended to correct some errant theology and inappropriate practices, Paul nonetheless looked upon the church with joy for the simple fact that they had heard and responded to Christ's call to repentance and rebirth.  Come next Sunday as we explore how the Gospel calls us to lovingly impact this world with the treasure that we simultaneously long for and possess.   
Find out more about Waterbrooke at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Feb 25, 2018

This Sunday’s message is: Blessed are the Pure in Heart. A good psalm to read in preparation for this is Psalm 24. In a world competing for our attention and affections, the Holy Spirit continually seeks to make us singularly devoted to God. Have you ever deciding to de-clutter your closet or your garage? What about your heart? The citizen of the Kingdom is continually decluttering his heart in order that Christ Jesus might reign fully and solely there.

Sunday Feb 18, 2018

Next week, we will continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount by looking at the passage “Blessed are the Merciful”. It is always good to ask ourselves the question “Is my heart becoming increasingly and instinctively merciful?” The misery in the world around us can often feel unbelievable and unbearable. We want to shut down and close ourselves off from all the pain. Yet, the gospel produces deep with us another response. It fuels and sustains real and genuine mercy.
To Find out  more about our church go to www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Feb 11, 2018

This week’s message is entitled: Holy Hunger: Longing for Righteousness. One of the clearest marks of someone who has been born again is that his/her appetites have shifted. The taste buds of the soul are no longer satisfied with sin. The Holy Spirit creates within every Christian a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Then, in Christ, He goes to work to satisfy that longing. Let’s gather to worship the Lord for the great work He has done and is doing in our lives for His glory!

Thursday Feb 08, 2018

Liberty, Legalism, and Love : How the Gospel unites us in the hope of an impossible joy.  
Paul's letter to the mixed congregation in Rome dealt with all kinds of divisions, but ultimately, he wrapped up his message with a call to set aside unhelpful divisions and unite in their praise of the only thing worth taking a stand on: the hope of the Gospel.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

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