Waterbrooke Church

Seeking, Savoring, and Sharing the All Surpassing Worth of Jesus Christ

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July 14, 2019 "

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019

This Sunday, we are going to look at the Marks of Genuine Faith. Real authentic faith is possible by the grace of God and places God at the pinnacle of our affections and ambitions.  Trials test and prove where God really is in our hearts affections! Come and prayerfully consider Hebrews 11 along with us.
Find out  more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Jul 07, 2019

Hebrews 11 is the Bible’s great chapter on faith. It is the Bible’s Declaration of Dependence. The declaration of faith in Hebrews 11 reveals that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness do not come from exerting our independence but by putting ourselves in full dependence upon God alone. Our hope and our joy in difficult times and trials come from living our lives confidently in the certainty of God’s character, provision, and promise in Christ.
Find out more about Waterbrooke Church at www.waterbrooke.church

Thursday Jun 20, 2019

This Sunday, we will be looking at a strong strong warning passage. Our message is called “Urgent: Take Refuge Now”. In Hebrews 10:26-31, the writer reminds us that God is a consuming fire. He has covenanted to remove all Christ’ enemies. The gospel is the great but sobering news that God has offered to rescue us from His own coming wrath.It’s not an easy summer text but it may be the most important passage of your life. Pray that God would move in power and mercy this Sunday to cause people to take refuge in Christ and the gospel.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019

This Sunday, our message is entitled: Fully Forgiven. For many Christians, living the Christian life feels overwhelming. We continually have to come to terms with the depth of our fallenness and depravity. We are profoundly broken people living in a profoundly broken world.What makes the gospel uniquely powerful is this: God’s people can have rock solid confidence that although the challenges of living for Christ will take us into deep waters and expose real areas that need change and growth in our lives, God is unrelentingly for us.Our faith rests, not on our feelings, but fully on the finished work of Christ. If God is for us, who can be against us? Come and be encouraged in the gospel.
Join us Sundays at 10am
To find out more about Waterbrooke Christian Church - go to www.waterbrooke.church

Thursday May 30, 2019

This Sunday’s message is entitled “The Three Appearances of Jesus’ Christ.” In Hebrews 9:15-28, the Bible tells us about the glorious truth that we who are called by God to faith in Jesus Christ now live under the unshakeable hope and reality of the “New Covenant”.Everything for the Christ has changed: past, present, and future because of the saving power of the blood of Jesus Christ. For weary, struggling, and discouraged Christians, the New Covenant announces this great message of hope: Christ has you covered. Your past is covered. Your present is covered. Your future is covered.Come and be  encouraged in the gospel this Sunday.
Check out our website for more information and upcoming events.  www.waterbrooke.church

Wednesday May 22, 2019

A proper functioning conscience is necessary to faithful service to God. The only thing that can restore it fully is the gospel. Anything else will attempt to kill it or to corrupt it. The cleansing provided in the gospel alone can return it to its intended working order.Come this Sunday as we study Hebrews 9:1-14 and pray for the hearts of everyone who comes for worship. One of the great sources of anxiety and frustration that many of us face is not being able to find full freedom from inward guilt and shame. The great news of the gospel is that Christ has come to grant us “Fully and Forever Clean: What Christ Alone Can Do for Your Conscience.” That is the title of this week’s message.

Sunday May 12, 2019

Christians regularly find themselves in impossible situations. Like the people of Israel, cornered by the Egyptian army at the Red Sea, we often read the situation wrong and respond in fear. They felt that they were in grave danger when it was actually the other way around.One of the keys to courage and faith is for God’s people to realize that God sends us and leaves us in hard places where our only hope is Christ. We need to remember is how “Perfectly Positioned” that Christ is to do what looks impossible to us. That’s the title of our message this Sunday in Hebrews 8 – “Perfectly Positioned to Do The Impossible.”Come and have your faith strengthened by God’s Word and through worship with God’s people.

Sunday May 05, 2019

One thing that is increasingly clear to the church in the West is the biblical truth that we who are followers of Jesus Christ are exiles and strangers in this world. Being truly faithful to the call of Christ upon our lives leaves us as clear cultural outsiders. This is nothing new to the church globally or historically.Most Christians down through the ages have faced persecution or alienation. In America, this is becoming increasingly clear and that isn’t completely bad. For one thing, it reminds us of our calling and purpose. We are called to be salt and light in a dark and decaying world. It also brings home our citizenship.We are citizens of the kingdom of heaven not the kingdoms of men. It also undoubtedly clarifies our need. Unless the Lord builds the house, our labor is absolutely in vain. Hebrews 7:26-28 is written to Christians under persecution and it declares to us why Jesus is “The Perfect Priest for a Persecuted People.” Read ahead and pray through this passage of Scripture and ask that we might know, love, trust, and rejoice in Jesus more. See you Sunday.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Apr 28, 2019

This Sunday’s message is entitled “Salvation Guaranteed”. When we watch the incredible uncertainty that appears to surround the world today, we ought to celebrate the unshakable security that belongs to us as Christians.The church of Christ is being bombed and intimidated more today than at any time in its history. That stats are staggering. Yet, against all the hostility the church has ever faced, the Bible resonates with the great and unshakable hope that Christ is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him.It is not what we see happening on earth that determines our destiny. It is who we see in heaven interceding for us that is the ground of our faith and hope! Let’s reflect together on the truth that we have a great and glorious high priest who lives forever on our behalf!

Sunday Apr 21, 2019

This week we celebrate the resurrection through Paul's declaration of Christ as both the Lord of Creation and the Lord of Redemption.  In his letter to the church in Colossae, by turning their focus to Christ's authority and rule,  Paul encouraged the church to rest in the knowledge that Christ is risen and reigning on our behalf as He works to redeem all creation through the cross.  Join us next Sunday and celebrate resurrection, both Christ's and our own!
Find out more about Waterbrooke Church at www.waterbrooke.church

Sunday Apr 14, 2019

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Our message is called: "The Shock and the Shake-Up: How Christ Brought Radical Hope to God’s People". What God did in Jesus Christ during His earthly was shocking. It was completely unexpected. His behavior and His teaching caught everyone off guard. But nothing was as radical as the last week of Jesus’ life. No one anticipated the cross and the resurrection.No one could anticipate that Christ was not simply turning people’s expectations on its head. He was permanently altering the terms of our relationship with God. As we celebrate Palm Sunday, let’s rejoice that Christ brings together what no one else could ever do before. Christ changed everything. Forever.
Note: the end of the sermon is cut-off to some technical issues. 

Sunday Apr 07, 2019

"Battling Spiritual Sluggishness"Mini-SeriesBy Pastor Kevin Dibbley
Sunday, March 31st
This Sunday’s message is called “Slugging It out With Sluggishness”. Some battles aren’t worth fighting. But some are! The writer to the Hebrews is fighting to light a fire under these Christians because this battle is for their joy and salvation. Sluggish Christians are easily disheartened and discouraged.Christians who are determined to know God are more likely to be Christians who delight in God. Christians who are willing to wrestle with God are more likely to be Christians who rest in God. Pray that God would use this Sunday’s message to light a fire in our hearts to know God better.

Sunday Mar 31, 2019

"Battling Spiritual Sluggishness"Mini-SeriesBy Pastor Kevin Dibbley
Sunday, March 31st
This Sunday’s message is called “Slugging It out With Sluggishness”. Some battles aren’t worth fighting. But some are! The writer to the Hebrews is fighting to light a fire under these Christians because this battle is for their joy and salvation. Sluggish Christians are easily disheartened and discouraged.Christians who are determined to know God are more likely to be Christians who delight in God. Christians who are willing to wrestle with God are more likely to be Christians who rest in God. Pray that God would use this Sunday’s message to light a fire in our hearts to know God better.

Sunday Mar 24, 2019

"Battling Spiritual Sluggishness"Mini-SeriesBy Pastor Kevin Dibbley
Sunday, March 24th
It is easy to grow distant from God's people. It is not uncommon for Christians to become discouraged with the church. The reason that the writer to the Hebrews exhorts them to grow deeper in their knowledge of God is because that will inevitably lead them to grow deeper in their devotion to one another as his church. Come this Sunday as we consider the final message in our series: Battling Spiritual Sluggishness. This message is called: Loving God’s Name, Loving God’s People.

Sunday Mar 10, 2019

"Battling Spiritual Sluggishness"Mini-SeriesBy Pastor Kevin Dibbley
Sunday, March 10thHebrews 5:11-6:12 - PART 2
This Sunday, in our series, Finish Line Faith, we will continue a mini-series entitled Battling Spiritual Sluggishness. Hebrews 5:11-6:12 confronts Christians who have become spiritually sluggish.There are many perils that face us if we do not continue to grow in the truth of the gospel. We all know the temptation to not continue to grow. Yet, the greatest encouragements belong to those who see more and more of the wisdom, goodness, and grace of God in the glorious truths of the gospel.
Find out more about our church at www.waterbrooke.church

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019

"Battling Spiritual Sluggishness (Laziness)"Mini-SeriesBy Pastor Kevin Dibbley
Sunday, February 24th
Hebrews 5:11-6:12
Charles Spurgeon once stated the battle that faces every Christian: “We must keep going forward. There is no such thing in the Christian life as standing still, and we dare not turn back.” This Sunday, in our series, Finish Line Faith, we will begin a mini-series entitled Battling Spiritual Sluggishness. Hebrews 5:11-6:12 confronts Christians who have become spiritually sluggish.There are many perils that face us if we do not continue to grow in the truth of the gospel. We all know the temptation to not continue to grow. Yet, the greatest encouragements belong to those who see more and more of the wisdom, goodness, and grace of God in the glorious truths of the gospel.

Thursday Feb 21, 2019

Join us for the Week of Prayer as we spend time with the Lord and pray for our church, people and nation.  

Thursday Feb 07, 2019

For every Christian, there is the challenge of considering whether we functionally believe in our lives what we actually confess with our lips. One of the great truths of our confession as believers is that Christ is risen from the dead and He is reigning on high. One area of our lives that this transforms is our prayer lives. There out to be a holy boldness about our prayer lives. In Hebrews 4:14-16, this Sunday we are going to reflect on the encouragement for every Christian to “Come Boldly To the Throne of Grace.”

Thursday Feb 07, 2019

A couple of things about this Sunday: it’s supposed to jump up into the 40’s after this deep freeze! That’s good news. But more importantly, we are going to look at great great great news. The Father has appointed the Son to plead for us! If you want read Hebrews 5:1-10 in preparation and as you do, just think about why God appointed Jesus to be our high priest. It will do your heart and mind much good to realize that how He pleaded for Himself, Jesus now pleads for you and me. Our sermon is called: God’s man for the job.

Sunday Jan 20, 2019

"His Promise Still Stands" - Hebrews 4: 1-13By Pastor Kevin Dibbley 
This Sunday, we are going to be taking a look at Hebrews 4:1-13. Our message is called"His Promise Still Stands". Every living follower of Christ stands at the edge of eternity. Before us is the promise of entering God’s great eternal rest. Between us and our eternal goal are perceived “giants” in the land. What the writer to the Hebrews warns us is that the giant that we have to fear is not outside us, but inside us. The battle is a battle of faith versus unbelief. Let’s pray and consider this crucial truth together.

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